What is it about the tech industry? I know technical writers desperate for business assignments. And yet with no marketing on my part or attempts to pursue this kind of work, I continue to get calls from ex-colleagues asking if I am available to write press releases, web copy, marketing collateral, magazine articles, and wedding speeches for the best man (no, honestly!). It’s not part of my Webinar Success business (other than helping clients craft their webinar marketing messages to draw registration and attendance), but I usually try to help out if I have any time in my schedule at all. I’m one of those people who likes working late into the night (let’s be fair... I’m also one of those people who likes playing computer games late into the night – but I digress), so I can often turn things around for short deadlines and emergency requests.
If you find yourself in a bind for a piece of technical marketing collateral, go ahead and give me a call or drop me a line through the Webinar Success contact form. I have the engineering and software background to understand your technical material and I have the public presentation and writing skills to describe and promote it in understandable English. You’ll need somebody else for understandable Latvian.