Rob writes in with an amazing tale of a public webinar he attended where the speaker took an office call while in the middle of his presentation, apologized for a conflict in his schedule, and bailed out of the presentation at the halfway mark, leaving his assistant to finish up.
Wow. Just when you think you've heard it all.
I like the webinar I saw featuring an expert on giving effective presentations who used a cheap webcam in his shared office space with papers and books piled messily all over his desk. Partway through his talk, a coworker walked into frame in the background, started doing some work at his desk, and left again. Not a great way to keep audience attention focused on you as the speaker and the points you are trying to make. If you are going to use a webcam, at least make a token effort to present a professional appearance as if you were broadcasting a special event for your audience.
What's the worst or weirdest thing you've come across in a webinar or web conference? This could be fun!
Technorati Tags: web conference, web conferencing, webcast, webcasting, webinar