I'm surveying web conferencing software that supports companies putting on events where they charge attendees. If you are a web conferencing technology vendor and can meet these requirements, please send me an email (let's not use the comments section of this post, as I'm afraid it will turn into an advertising and snipe-fest).
1) Support for individual attendee passwords. Assigning a password to an event doesn't stop people from forwarding the login information to their buddies. I want a system that issues a separate password to each registrant and only allows one login to the event per ID. If an evildoer forwards his login info to somebody else, only one of them is allowed into the session.
2) Support for distributable recordings. A recording of the live event should be allowed to be placed on a CD and mailed to attendees or others who pay for it.
3) Support for payment processing. This is a tricky one. Some companies just getting started in the world of fee-based webinars need to set up a new payment processing system that allows people to register and pay all in one transaction. Your software needs to allow them to set up the proper hooks to a payment processing technology and complete the entire transaction including event registration. Other companies already have an established online storefront that accepts orders and payments. They need to output a data file from their system and upload it to the web conferencing registration system to load the names as registered audience members.
I know there are companies that can do a special charged customization for a client to enable some of these as special features. I also know there are service providers who do the complete event management and production from end to end and have built a collection of software and processes to accomplish these goals (hello, KRM). But do you have an off-the-shelf package that a customer can use in self-service mode on an event-by-event basis to support these features?
Send your email to kmolay (at) wsuccess (dot) com.
Technorati Tags:
Technorati Tags: web conference, web conferencing, web event, web meeting, webcast, webcasting, webinar