My online search filters caught an article today written by Erick Schonfeld on TechCrunch. The subject matter was development of competing search technology advances. Not important for purposes of my discussion.
What caught my eye were two phrases:
“But to be honest, not too many people were paying attention because A) who wants to sit through a two-hour Webcast…”
“Nobody really paid attention to the two hour snorecast…”
Ouch. And absolutely correct. This is a case of “information by the pound.” More content must be better, right? Not exactly. Look at Twitter. Each nugget of information can be no more than 140 characters. And we all know how that’s caught on. Look at YouTube. No video can be longer than 10 minutes. And we all know how that’s caught on. Look at CNN Headline News. Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
Challenge yourself to find ways to deliver your information more succinctly. You are facing ever-declining attention spans. Deal with it.