This Thursday, February 23, you have the chance to hear me speak on the topic of best practices for marketing webinars. MediaPlatform is sponsoring the webcast as part of a series of presentations on web presentation topics.
We’re keeping it short and to the point… about 30 minutes of presentation followed by 15 minutes of live Q&A. So you can attend the entire thing and still have time to organize your notes before your next meeting.
Even though I am speaking about webinars for marketing, I won’t be marketing anything myself. MediaPlatform told me that they are going to give me the entire session time to dedicate to real value delivery. No fluff.
You can register at
The webcast begins at 11am California time / 2pm New York time. If you want to see a conversion to your time zone, visit
Please add a comment to this post if there is a particular topic point or question you would like me to address during my webcast. If you are reading this in an email or feed reader, you’ll need to click through to the original post on my blog.
Oh, and for my readers who complain that I seldom appear on camera… This is one of those rare times when you’ll be able to bask in the glow of my video image! Hope to see you online on Thursday.