You have the chance to catch several educational webcasts on how to produce and deliver more effective webinars. As a matter of fact, not only webinars but presentations in general.
If you are reading this on Tuesday, September 9, you have one last chance to register for today's free presentation on Best Practices For Content Marketing Webinars. At 10am California (1pm New York) I will cover pointers such as what types of webinars work best for content marketing and what types of presenters audiences respond to.
You have a little more time to plan ahead and register for my September 24 presentation on Best Practices for Incorporating Multimedia in Webinars. I plan to discuss things such as the impact of multimedia on attendee interaction and engagement, as well as more academic issues such as fair use copyright considerations and technical concerns including mobile devices and internet bandwidth.
And finally, you can catch me on October 7 covering techniques for creating and delivering nonlinear presentations. This is part of the 5th Annual Outstanding Presentations Workshop, hosted by PowerPoint MVP Ellen Finkelstein. The workshop starts on September 9 and continues weekly through October 28. There is a small charge (only $17), which covers the entire set of 7 presenters and topics, including access to the archived recordings.
I hope to see you online!